Heckroth Industries


Access denied, but I'm the Administrator!

Recently my HTPC, Windows Media Center (WMC) running under Windows 7, started to exhibit an odd issue. One or two of the recordings couldn’t be deleted from within WMC. So I tried falling back to closing down WMC and deleting the files from the Recorded TV directory, only to receive an “Access Denied” error message. Ok, let’s run a shell (cmd) as the administrator user change to the Recorded TV directory and use del to delete the files. Still I got the “Access Denied” error message.

Looking at the files properties showed even more odd results, they weren’t owned by anyone. When I tried to change the owner to the administrator account I go the same error message. This was the point that I decided to fall back to basics, if the file system is behaving oddly then check the disk, so I ran

chkdsk c: /R

It replied that it couldn’t check it now but would I like to check it on the next restart, which of course I said yes to and then immediately restarted the machine. 20 minutes later, after a full disk check, windows reappeared and I could delete the files. My current assumption is that windows had lost some of the ntfs details for the files and that the chkdsk reset them.

Jason — 2015-01-06

Getting started with PowerShell

I have just started using PowerShell instead of CMD and I can say that it is a big improvement. The first thing I wanted to do though was to edit my profile so that I could tailor it to me.

First I listed my initial requirements

  • Don’t put anything in the prompt except >
  • vi, vim, gvim should all launch gvim for editing files
  • gimp should launch gimp for editing image files
  • <CTRL>+D should close powershell down

First I discovered that I would have to change my execution policy for PowerShell. This was a simple case of launching PowerShell as an administrator and entering

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

This lets PowerShell run local scripts but requires remote scripts to have been signed. After doing that I closed down the Administrator PowerShell and opened one as my standard user.

To edit my profile I initially used the command:

notepad $profile

and entered the following

# Functions

# prompt function, redefines what prompt is displayed
function prompt
"> "

After closing PowerShell and reopening it I now had a simple ‘>’ as the prompt.

The next step was to put in the aliases for vi, vim, gvim and gimp. So I edited the profile again and entered

# Assign vi, vim, gvim to gvim
Set-Alias vim 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vim73\gvim.exe'
Set-Alias gvim vim
Set-Alias vi vim

# Assign gimp to gimp
Set-Alias gimp 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GIMP-2.0\bin\gimp-2.6.exe'

After restarting PowerShell again I could now edit my profile by using

vim $profile

Now that I was using vim to edit my profile I could use <CTRL>+V to insert special characters. Which would let me put a <CTRL>+D (^D) in my profile, specifically as an alias, though I would still have to press <CTRL>+D followed by <RETURN>. Initially I tried

Set-Alias ^D exit

But that didn’t work. Ironically it wasn’t the <CTRL>+D character causing problems, instead it was the use of exit in an alias. The solution is to wrap exit in a function and call the function from the alias.

# ex function, required to use exit in aliases
function ex

# Aliases

# Assign CTRL+D to exit
Set-Alias ^D ex

That so far is my standard PowerShell profile. Here it is in one chunk incase you want to cut and paste (remembering to replace ^D with a proper <CTRL>+D character).

# Functions

# prompt function, redefines what prompt is displayed
function prompt
"> "

# ex function, required to use exit in aliases
function ex

# Aliases

# Assign CTRL+D to exit
Set-Alias ^D ex

# Assign vi, vim, gvim to gvim
Set-Alias vim 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vim73\gvim.exe'
Set-Alias gvim vim
Set-Alias vi vim

# Assign gimp to gimp
Set-Alias gimp 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GIMP-2.0\bin\gimp-2.6.exe'
Jason — 2011-06-03